Food is God’s way of showing his love for us mortals. All age groups need different set of diets to go with their body needs. It is integral to watch our diet, especially when we are in the later stage of our life.

The demand for certain foods increases with the increase in age; at the same time, it also becomes crucial to understand the kinds of food that one should avoid. Ageing comes with its own set of problems, like during menopause, women have to be extra careful about their eating habits as their ability to absorb calcium decreases and weakness in joints and vulnerability to fractures increase. However, if one decides to eat right, eating well and ageing well could go hand in hand.

1. EAT ANTIOXIDANT RICH MEALS– Anti-oxidants are the agents that fight the symptoms of ageing and keep you young for longer. Natural fruits like berries, plums and oranges are rich sources of anti-oxidants; make them a regular in your diet.

2. CHOOSE SOFT FOODS – At senior age, our teeth aren’t as strong as we would like them to be. Eat soft fruits that are easy on your teeth. Also, cook your food soft and easy to chew.

3. INCREASE YOUR PROTEIN INTAKE- Load your diet with all types of proteins as they help in making new cells and keep muscles healthy.

4. MORE ACTIVITY, MORE FOOD – Choose your meals according to the amount of physical activity you carry out. A more active person needs more diet.

5. PICK YOUR OIL WISELY– Cook your meals in mustard or olive oil. Both prevent high cholesterol and hence, shield you against a lot of cholesterol bred ailments.

6. ADD POTASSIUM TO YOUR DIET– Potassium contributes in maintaining blood pressure. Make potassium rich foods like sweet lime, fenugreek (methi) and coconut water, a regular feature in your diet.

7. CUT DOWN ON SALT AND SUGAR – Use less sugar and salt in meal preparations. It is a vital step in controlling sugar levels and high blood pressure respectively.

8. STAY HYDRATED– Drink plenty of fluids all day. At least 2 liters of water is a must every day. It could also be complimented with other fluids like juice and milk.

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Getting elder is often looked upon as the most difficult stage of one’s life. Medical conditions, less body strength and lesser mobility are the common negatives that come with ageing. However, through proper care and diet, one can still stay fit and vital during the later years of life.

Ageing with grace is very much possible. Around us, we have numerous examples of people living a healthy and active life after retirement. Legends like Senior citizen have showed us the way on how to age like fine wine.

Here are a few steps that every person should take up to stay golden in the golden years of life.

1. Get regular health check-ups specially designed for senior citizens

This might sound clicked but it holds mighty true that regular checkups can save you from a lot of serious ailments. Regular health checkups at the disease-prone retirement age help in early diagnosis of major diseases, which is the most vital step in having a quick treatment and recovery.
regular health check-ups

2. Get enough exercise

Doing regular physical exercise is important at every stage of life. Staying active in the youth keeps a person agile in his later years too. However, it is never too late to begin exercising. No matter what age you are at, start a little bit of exercise every day. It goes a long way in keeping you on your feet for a long time.


3.      Manage stress in life

You have lived a long and hard life. After years of hard toil, after-retirement is the time to be a bit easy on yourself, especially mentally. Tension is the root of many serious diseases. Put it at bay and take some time out to relax. A stress free life is a healthy life.
Manage Stress Life

4.      Watch your diet

Eating healthy is one of the most important things to be done by senior citizens. As our body matures, the digestion becomes slow and we have to strictly watch the nutritional values of our diet. A balanced diet is important to give the body enough energy and vitality to stay active. In any case, eating a disciplined diet is always better than having to live with eating lots of pills.
Diet Plan

5.      Cut down on smoking and drinking alcohol

Among other organs, our liver becomes weak and fragile with age. The negative toll that drinking alcohol and smoking tobacco takes on human body is not hidden to any. Excessive smoking and drinking lead to many fatal diseases like steatosis, hepatitis C and cancer. Cut down on both and see a happy healthy life unfolding in front of you

drinking & Smoking

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Blog Age Ventures

The leading national-level non-profit and non-government organization working for the cause and care of the elderly, HelpAge India supports and runs day care centres for the aged, rehabilitates aged patients of leprosy, tuberculosis and cancer, conducts and/or supports free cataract operations, offers income-generation programmes, provides professional training to people and voluntary agencies.

HelpAge India has agreed to support AVI in:

– Educating and training the AVI team on old-age issues unique to India
– Setting up and managing counselling centres
– Designing, training and monitoring physiotherapy centres
– Providing information on common old-age diseases in India
– Advocacy of issues needing the attention of various statutory bodies as well as the state and central government

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