Health & Medical Care
Prarambh has a medical room, with a 24 nurse, an exclusive Ambulance with 24 hours live in driver, in waiting for an emergency. A Doctor visits every alternate day. All residents have their full medical record in the Medical Room. A set of care givers are available when ever required. Tie up is there with local hospital as well as with a hospital of repute in Ahmedabad. Local tie up are there with pathlab, physio therapist and chemist.
As part of Phase 2, a 9 room high dependence care rooms with a special dining area, just outside the main gate is being developed as a part of the Commercial Center.
Routine medical checkups will be available as also assistance with daily living such as support in medical record keeping, personal care and nutritional advice etc.
Full care services covering all aspects of geriatric needs like Dementia care, Alzheimer care will be available as and when required at additional cost.
Hospitalization – When the Community Physician warrants that there is need for hospitalization or where the specialist treating an occupant / resident feels so then occupant / resident will be hospitalized as per the residents’ choice. Such cost will be extra and to the account of the resident.